Technical writing
Welcome to! I'm not getting easily tired of typing that sentence.
Disclaimer: Initially , this article will just contain several links. Gradually, I will add more meaningful content, that will answer some questions like:
How did we come up with or why do we love W3.CSS? It will build up to a meaningful article.
So, there are a few categories I put the resources into. Every single one of these links has helped me build
HTML is the widely popular markup language for structuring web page content.
Some would argue tech writers do not need to style their docs because we have tools to do that for us. However, CSS is still an unexplored land and it offers some amazing simplistic visuals that are perfect for technical documentation, representation and direction of focus.
Usually, Javascript (and its various incarnations) are not a must-have for the toolbox of a tech writer. However, with advancement of doc-as-code platforms, some knowledge on scripting languages definitely helps. Javascript (widely known as JS) is a scripting language that is intended to execute on the client side and runs natively across all major web browsers.
Some people do not even understand what charsets are and how they are used but they are important when it comes to presenting content on the web. Symbols (icons) have added far more artistic nuance to content. Here are some useful references on charsets and the most popular symbol fonts on the web.
A typewriter offers a limited number of characters and usually you can use it for one type of alphabet only, e.g. Latin.
As the sole bearer of the name Toma Kashamov, I built from scratch, using raw HTML, CSS, a bit of JS, and markdown. I've utilized a few W3.CSS themes for different sections in this website.
However, it is the team who reviewed and helped shape the content here. Enjoy our blog section.
Oh, lest we forget, I want to remind you all: coding is fun! I love to explore different and simplistic ways to present technical content to make it more effective and interactive.
We love technical content. We author technical documentation from scratch and we also update and improve existing docs.