This page is still in the works...
Here you can see a few variants of my actual CV, updated end of 2024.
Samples prepared using W3.CSS, HTML, CSS, and markdown.
A beautiful, modern-looking web template. View
A beautiful, modern-looking, dark-themed web template. View
A simplistic template for minimalistic appearance. Uses the same markdown source file as the HTML that follows. View.
A simplistic template with minimalistic appearance. Uses the same markdown source file as the PDF one that follows, hence the "oldschool" PDF-like appearance. Not really responsive. View.
This section showcases some demo work.
Some content may be visualized differently in different browsers.
Initially, the Knowledge section will contain the blog. Eventually, our portfolio will showcase different kind of doc portals, some useful tools and a complete blog.
Also, the info we share here is intended to be useful longtime. We don't want it to be useful just for customer or fellow tech writers; but also anyone curious for knowledge. So get ready for our academy!